Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanksgiving Leftover Frittata

Sometimes I get tired of eating turkey for lunch and dinner for days after Thanksgiving. This year I decided to switch it up and use some of the leftover turkey and other leftovers to make a breakfast frittata. My dad taught me a long time ago that what's awesome about frittatas is that you basically can throw in any leftovers that you have in the fridge. So don't limit your's to whatever I am using!

Thanksgiving Leftover Frittata


1 cup of turkey
8 eggs
1 cup of milk
1 cup mashed potatoes
1 cup of stuffing (I'll post my sausage stuffing recipe later!)
1 small onion, chopped
1/2 cup cheddar cheese (or whatever cheese you want to use up in your fridge!)
2 tbsp chives


1. Chop turkey into bite size pieces. Saute onions until tender in butter or olive oil.

2. Scoop mashed potatoes into about 2 inch balls and then sprinkle with chives. Flatten into small pancakes.

3. Remove onions from pan and set aside. Place potatoes in pan and brown on each side.

4. Sprinkle in stuffing, trying to cover areas that the potatoes aren't.  They both act as a nice base for the dish.

5. Top with turkey and sautéed onions.

6. Beat eggs with milk and then pour over pan mixture.

7. Top with cheese and bake in oven at 375 degrees for about 45-60 minutes. You'll see the eggs browning on the top and pulling away from the side of the pan.  Enjoy!

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